Your Cat - Your Ascension Guide
STOP STRUGGLING on your spiritual path and embrace your cat's guidance - to help you FIND YOUR PURPOSE and become a happier, fully AWAKENED YOU.
Understand your CAT's behavior & purr-pose with you?
Find a deep CONNECTION with yourself & your soul path?
Find & follow your purr-pose and CALLING?
Your cat is in your life for a very important reason: To help you on your life path and to "push" you when you are not aligned with your calling and your soul path.
Your cat knows you better than anyone else - even better than you know yourself.
With her innate wisdom and infinite love for you, she can sense and feel when you are not fulfilled, or when you hold yourself back, or when you play small and don't shine your light.
Have you noticed any strange or alarming behavior in your cat?
If you have wondered what your cat needs or what she is trying to tell you... Why she shows heightened behavior, why she is getting sick, or why she doesn't seem happy... Then this is for you.
Your cat's purr-pose is to help you with yours!
She supports you emotionally, physically and spiritually, and she'll help you get or stay aligned with your soul's desire.
Your cat has three wishes for you:
And she will do what she can - manifesting illnesses or mirroring your life topics back at you - so that you recognize that you are "off track".
Are you ready to find out more?
Find out how you can connect with your cat, her messages, wishes, and needs - and how she can be your best guide in finding and following your life purpose.
After this 5-part awakening program, you will:
Always understand your cat's behavior, wants & needs.
Feel connected to your higher self, your spirit guides & your star family.
Be able to self-heal your emotional topics on a body, mind & soul level.
Be fully aware of your unique life purpose & soul mission on this planet.
Feel a magical connection with your cat as your barometer and spiritual guide.
An immersive 5-step program for yourself & your cat, designed with fast results and transformative changes in both your lives!
6 recorded video modules with rich information, which will enable you connect to your cat, yourself and your life purpose.
6 powerful meditations for healing, attuning, and letting go of limiting beliefs, childhood programming, old trauma, past life karma, etc.
Step-by-step training to access your intuitive abilities, so that you can communicate with your cat, your spirit guides and your star family
You can't shake the feeling that your cat is not happy
Your cat shows any kind of intensified or alarming behavior
Your cat reflects your life topics, moods or emotional states
Your cat has the same physical symptoms or illness as you
You'll get guidance for navigating these turbulent times and for your personal awakening journey, with the help of your cat
Before you get started, you'll set a powerful intention for this class. In this complimentary kickoff-call, you'll outline your personal journey of awakening and soul alignment, together with your cat.
Your cat has something to say! In this first module, we'll explore your cat's role in your life and listen to her messages. What areas does she see for you to heal and transmute? How does she help you on your journey?
This is where we get in deep... You'll learn to connect to your soul and find out what your purpose and unique gift is. You'll then transform this into a powerful statement to show up and shine your light.
You are always supported by the Universe... but sometimes you can't hear your guidance clearly. In this module, you'll learn to connect to your higher self, as well as your spirit team and your star family.
We all carry emotional burdens, karmic imprints, programming from childhood as well as past wounds. In this module, we'll dive into the techniques to self-heal past lifetimes and all your emotional "stuff".
It is time to celebrate! You can now walk your soul path with more love & ease - fully aware of your unique gifts and your calling. Your cat will be your loyal companion and watchful guide on your spiritual journey.
As a cat whisperer, I've had 1,000s of conversations with felines.
Taking into account how closely cats and their humans are connected - not only in daily life, but also on a soul level - I will help you finetune your magical connection, so you can both enjoy a happy, harmonious, fulfilled and purr-poseful life together.
So you can fully UNDERSTAND YOUR CAT, why s/he behaves a certain way, how it is connected with your unresolved life topics, and what s/he really wants and needs - for herself and for you.
So you can STOP STRUGGLING on your spiritual path and embrace your cat's guidance - to help you FIND YOUR PURPOSE and become a happier, fully AWAKENED YOU.
Sylvie Sterling - Cat Whisperer & Ascension Guide
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